Upcoming Webinars
Biomed Careers is all about courses. This one is related to our BioMed Innovation Careers Portfolio of Training. The Joy of Project Management from the MLA. Feb 11 Online $96.00 for 2 hours. And most important this comes with a Course Certificate in “Project Management”. This training is usually very hard to find for Biomedical Scientist trainees, postdocs, and faculty. Use the training to add to your management skills and signup to our Biomed BioInnovation Careers link below to stay connected with up to date information.
Signup to Connect with Us for Our Offerings
BioMed BioInnovation Careers https://mailchi.mp/4a3bae9e9bdb/biomedical-innovation-careers
BioMed Academia to Alt Bench Careers https://mailchi.mp/5d288fa15a11/biomed-careers-preps-for-academia
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